Pitchfest 2021 Finalist
Headquarters: Paris, France
Year Commenced: 2015
Ocean Theme: Ocean Health
Mission: Producing insect-based proteins and oils as a sustainable, healthy and competitive alternative to fish-based products thereby limiting overfishing and food waste.
Solution: nextProtein is specialised in the breeding and processing of insects for animal feeding (aquaculture in particular). Feeding farmed fishes with insect meal instead of fishmeal has a direct impact on the preservation of the ocean fish stocks A ton of insect meal fed to farmed fishes would save three tons of forage fish. More prosaically, every ton of product that we sell to fish farmers contributes to reducing the depletion of forage fish stocks by three tons.
Why is innovation to transform ocean health important to you: “Ocean health and public as well as economic health are deeply intertwined. We need to make sure that the tremendous growth of the world population which results in a huge protein demand does not eradicate fish species, nor leave no time for fish stocks to rebuild.”- Laurence De Tinguy, Legal Counsel.