Pitchfest 2021 Finalist
Headquarters: Bristol, United Kingdom
Year Commenced: 2018
Ocean Theme: Ocean Health
Mission: We are an innovation company pioneering technology solutions for capturing, harvesting and recycling microplastics.
Solution: Microplastics represent the largest proportion of ocean plastics. They are entering the food chain and damaging the ocean's capacity to produce oxygen and capture carbon from the atmosphere. Our technology can capture, harvest and recycle microplastic emissions to generate value from waste in a sustainable way, at scale. We use the same technology for every pollution stream: Capable of capturing over 99% of all microfibre emissions in waste-water; No disposables, cartridges or replaceable components; Easy to install and empty; and Fibres captured can be harvested, creating a valuable resource for new products.
Why is innovation to transform ocean health important to you: “The oceans are fundamental to the survival of life on earth. We all have responsibility and a part to play in their protection. But individuals, corporations and governments can do nothing to prevent further damage without material changes to the way we live our lives. For us, this isn't just about consuming less but ensuring that what we do consume is done so in a way that is beneficial to the planet. This is why we have built the company based on the Cradle-to-Cradle philosophy. Matter was conceived because we didn't see anyone aiming to address the huge issue of microplastic emissions at scale, and because there is no solution available on the market. Unabated, microplastic emissions will simply keep damaging the oceans until they are unable to support life. Material change, by its nature, requires innovative new approaches and solutions to existing and future problems. That is our mission, and we hope you will join us.” - Rob Hemsley, CFO.