
PITCHFEST 2020 Finalist


Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel

Year Commenced: 2012

Ocean Theme: Ocean Health & New Frontiers

ECOncrete Tech offers a suite of high-performance environmentally sensitive concrete solutions that enhance the biological and ecological value of urban, coastal, and marine infrastructure while increasing their strength and durability. ECOncrete, uses a patented system combining bio-enhancing concrete admix, concrete surface modifiers, and high-performance moulds to enhance marine life while adding strength and durability to the concrete infrastructure. In addition to the ecological and biological advantages, ECOncrete’s technology also creates an active carbon sink through the growth of calcifying organisms that thrive on the structures.


Take a Deep Dive

Mission: “To transform the way our future coastlines look and function, by replacing barren urban coastlines and waterfronts, with high-performance, resilient, blue-green infrastructure, which foster highly productive thriving ecosystems.”

Solution: ECOncrete Tech has developed a solution for responsible marine construction. The technology enhances marine construction with ecological value, whilst adding strength and durability to marine structure foundations. This is done through their patented system combining bio-enhancing concrete admix, concrete surface modifiers, and high-performance molds. 

ECOncrete’s technology has been used in shoreline protection, waterfront infrastructure and offshore applications. Projects have seen evident increase in biodiversity and improved water quality through its generation of marine habitat living in or on structures. The technology also acts as an active carbon sink through the growth of calcifying organisms. By using bio-enhancing concrete, ECOconcrete can restore habitat as well as protect marine infrastructure and coastlines. 

How does the ocean inspire you? “As a marine biologist and professional diver the ocean is not only the center of my professional career but its conservation is at the forefront of my passion. The ocean is where life began and one of the most inspiring forces on Earth and as a company it is our main prerogative to preserve and enhance its condition.” - the late Shimrit Perkol-Finkel, Founding CEO. 


