Making Invisible Problems Matter: Adam Root from Matter

Adam Root is the founder and CEO of Matter, a UK based microplastic technology company pioneering innovative solutions for the capture, harvest and recycling of microplastics. Matter’s mission is to improve the health of our oceans by capturing microplastics from the source.

On a mission to change our relationship with water and the environment, Adam set-up Matter to provide solutions to the colossal challenge of microplastic pollution. A trained mechanical engineer and keen scuba diver, Adam worked on gas turbines at GE before moving to Dyson, where he worked in New Product Innovation.  He was awarded Innovate UK’s Innovator of the Year in 2018 and 2019 and represented the UK at the G7 Summit in Canada.

In this far reaching and revealing conversation, we learn the unique origin story of Matter and the tremendous efforts Adam and his team have invested in building this pioneering startup and their brilliant innovations - including GULP - a game changing filtration unit that enables the capture and harvesting of microfibres from washing machines. 

The passion and commitment that Adam and his team bring to the mission of Matter is inspiring and powerful. We are thrilled to have been able to recognise their great work as a Finalist of The Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2021 and look forward to their future success. 


Learn More: Matter Website
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