Pitchfest 2021 Finalist
Headquarters: Oslo, Norway
Year Commenced: 2014
Ocean Theme: New Frontiers, Ocean Health, Ocean Harvesting
Mission: Aquaai’s mission is to help keep humanity alive through sustainable and environmentally friendly practices by combining risk management and biomimicry. The vision is to collect the most accurate underwater information by using affordable, innovative bio-inspired robotic technology and provide the data to marine industries currently balancing growth challenges with environmental concerns, therefore ensuring a positive impact in our ocean, fresh waterways and the planet as a whole.
Solution: Aquaai offers the easiest, most effective and least expensive way to access visual and environmental data from all waterways mitigating risks caused by a growing population and the climate crisis. Aquaai's flexible, fishlike drone platform navigates via AI and computer vision immersing with the habitat getting up close for optimized data collection and delivers the data to an online dashboard. Fish-as-a-Service (FaaS™) services Blue Economy industries, scientific researchers & governments delivering much needed data affordably so they can operate sustainably. Aquaai is helping mitigate risk by providing water quality knowledge about our rivers, ports and harbors, coasts, etc. that ultimately preserves our ocean health.
Why is innovation to transform ocean health important to you: “In the past decade, over 12 000 extreme weather events bringing losses of $3.5 trillion have occurred. Extreme storms are a result of climate change and our oceans are dying from acidification, deoxygenation and overfishing, brought about by climate change, as well as overpopulation and marine pollution. Today’s ocean crisis threatens our survival. In fact, humanity's very existence is at risk. The ocean is our life force providing oxygen, food, medicines and more. Yet what may be considered the single greatest challenge for industries operating in the ocean or Blue Economy is access to rugged, yet affordable technologies. Innovation is our only chance as we need the tool to operate sustainably in order to protect humanity.” - Liane Thompson, CEO.