Arc Marine
PITCHFEST 2020 Runner Up
Headquarters: Exeter, United Kingdom
Year Commenced: 2015
Ocean Theme: Ocean Health & New Frontiers
About: ARC Marine Ltd. have developed patented, carbon-neutral Reef Cubes that can be used to restore and rehabilitate reef ecosystems. Utilising virtual reality, 3D and biotechnologies, ARC Marine are disrupting the offshore construction industries with their award-winning patented product Reef Cubes®, by accelerating reef creation through its nature inclusive design. Specialising in design, manufacturing and monitoring of low carbon and plastic free reef structures, ARC Marine’s eco-friendly structures are intended to be deployed forever, saving decommissioning costs and reducing volumes to landfill.
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Mission: “To become industry leaders in nature inclusive designs and long-term reef stewardship by creating a model which can be adopted by everyone, anywhere in the world.”
Solution: Embracing technology to create reef ecosystems that become resilient incubators for marine life. ARC Marine has developed their award winning, patented Reef Cubes. They are carbon neutral, concrete-like structures that create spacious habitat for mobile species and adhering flora. Reef Cubes can be used for multiple applications within the marine environment and can be utilised in varying formations to benefit all species and infrastructure under the waves.
Every marine infrastructure project now has the potential to work with nature by physically enhancing and restoring capacity to provide marine habitat. ARC Marine’s Reef Cubes are intended to be deployed forever, saving decommissioning costs and reducing volumes to landfill.
How does the ocean inspire you? “The ocean is the greatest asset the world has on offer, for generations the world’s population has taken from it believing that will give forever. We now know this isn’t the case and we must take action now to replenish our oceans and create a sustainable approach so that they will provide for all future generations of species on our amazing planet.” - James Doddrell, Director