Ep. Four - Seafood for Good with David Carter from Austral Fisheries

What are we really talking about when we discuss ‘seafood for good’? The unfortunate reality of many fishing fleets is that they are too focused on the catch and not concerned enough with the long term consequences. Well, not Austral Fisheries. David Carter is a legitimate sustainability leader when it comes to fisheries management and in this episode Tim gets the full run-down on what motivated David in the early days, some of the challenges fisheries around the world face and the victories hard-won by Austral Fisheries and others along the way, as well as a bit more info on the ‘Seafood for Good Accelerator’ that is looking for applicants right now! When it comes to sustainable business, every industry needs its bold and fearless leader. When it comes to fisheries, David Carter is that leader. Don’t miss this episode. For more information click here and follow @austral_fisheries.

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Ep. 5 - Influencing and Inspiring Impact with Laura Wells


Ep. Three - Entrepreneurialism with Scott Gooding from The Good Project