After a lengthy selection process, the Winner and two Runners Up of The Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2020 were announced today. 

An external panel of experts judged the top three places from twelve Finalists, who were shortlisted from almost 200 applications from 38 countries.

In a boost to Ocean Impact Organisation and the reputation of The Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2020 the Winner’s announcement was made by globally renowned conservationist and ‘ocean elder’ Dr Sylvia Earle who made the announcement via a pre-recorded Zoom message saying, “We are beginning to see, maybe for the first time, how important the ocean is to every breath we take and every drop of water we drink and that what we do to the ocean is not just having an impact on our health, it’s also having an impact on the economy.”

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Dr Earle continued, “The world is waking up to the importance of finding solutions to treat the world we live in with more respect. I congratulate the founders of OIO for what you are doing to encourage and stimulate brilliant ideas and I also congratulate those who have stepped up and used their good minds to come up with solutions.” (Watch and listen to Sylvia’s entire Winner announcement here.)

And so, without any further ado...

The Winner and recipient of a $15,000 cash prize from Bank Australia and $50,000 in support from the Pitchfest Partner Network is: Planet Protector Packaging (Australia) who use waste from the wool industry to create insulated packaging solutions that replace problematic expanded polystyrene (EPS).

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Congratulations to the entire team at Planet Protector Packaging!

CEO of Planet Protector Packaging Joanne Howarth said, ““Winning the inaugural Ocean Impact Pitchfest is an absolute honour for the whole Planet Protector Packaging team and we’d like to thank Ocean Impact Organisation for supporting us as we strive to eliminate polystyrene from the ocean. Who would have thought the humble sheep would have such a positive impact on Planet Ocean and be the secret weapon to defending the ocean from polluting plastics.”

Watch Planet Protector Packaging’s pitch video below.

The first Runner Up position goes to Wave Swell Energy (Australia) who have developed an innovative solution to generate renewable wave energy through unidirectional Oscillating Water Column technology mimicking an artificial blowhole.

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Tom Denniss, Executive Chair of Wave Swell Energy said, “Wave Swell Energy is elated to have been chosen as a Runner Up in the Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2020. To attain this honour in an international competition with nearly 200 entries from 38 different countries is extremely pleasing, and a great accolade for both the company and the technology.”

Watch Wave Swell Energy’s pitch video below.

The second Runner Up position goes to ARC Marine (UK) who have developed patented, carbon-neutral Reef Cubes that can be used to restore and rehabilitate reef ecosystems. 

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Tom Birkbeck, co-founder and CEO of ARC Marine said, “We are so proud to be named a Runner Up from a hugely impressive line-up of innovative companies. It’s awesome to see marine impact startups being recognised, even in these troubling times when ocean health can easily be forgotten. ARC Marine’s mission to accelerate reef creation is fully aligned with OIO”s goal to accelerate 100 ocean impact startups in 5 years.”

Watch ARC Marine’s pitch video below.

The other nine Finalists include (in alphabetical order): Coral Vita (The Bahamas), ECOncrete Tech (Israel), Ingine (South Korea), Orbital EOS (Spain),  PumpFree Energy (Australia), SafetyNet Technologies (UK), SharkSafe Barrier (South Africa), Urchinomics (The Netherlands) and Water Warriors (USA).

For co-founders of Ocean Impact Organisation (OIO), Nick Chiarelli and Tim Silverwood, the results of Pitchfest 2020 support the need for establishing OIO, and their vision for Australia to become a world leader in innovations for an abundant and sustainable ocean. 

“With almost 200 applications from 38 countries, and almost 50% coming from Australia, we are more confident than ever in the mission of OIO. Australia’s ocean economy is estimated to be worth $100bn p.a by 2025 so it’s critical that we rapidly develop innovations to support this growth in a way that also supports ocean health” said Nick Chiarelli, co-founder of OIO.

“We are thrilled to have had such an array of brilliant innovations apply for Pitchfest 2020 and can’t wait to ‘go bigger’ with Pitchfest 2021 and our range of other programs,” said Tim Silverwood. “We exist to help people start, grow and invest in businesses that positively impact the ocean and look forward to uncovering and supporting many more innovators and startups with the passion and drive to help Planet Ocean.”

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The Finalists, Runners Up and Winner of Pitchfest 2020 will share in over $175,000 of cash and support from the Pitchfest Partner Network, including a $15,000 cash prize from Pitchfest Partner Bank Australia for the Winner.

Pitchfest judge and Head of Oceans at WWF-Australia Richard Leck said, “It was definitely difficult to choose a top three from the finalists working to make a positive impact on the ocean. The challenges facing our oceans and marine wildlife are complex and we need to dream big and find new solutions to solve them. I’ve been buoyed by the results of Pitchfest 2020 and look forward to more innovations for the ocean being uncovered and supported by OIO in the coming years.”

Pitchfest judge and Senior Manager of Impact Finance at Bank Australia Alastair McGibbon said, “Reflecting our commitment to conservation, Bank Australia was thrilled to play a part in uncovering these ideas from some of the most innovative ocean scientists and entrepreneurs from around the world.” 

“The 12 finalists brought a diversity of ideas and technology aimed at combating the destruction occurring to our oceans and harnessing wave power as alternative energy, and they were all outstanding,” Mr McGibbon said. “Congratulations to Planet Protector Packaging on winning this year’s competition.”

Ocean Impact Organisation would like to make a special acknowledgement of Bank Australia for becoming the inaugural Presenting Partner of The Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2020. 

Ocean Impact Organisation aims to establish Australia as a world leader in ocean solutions, accelerate 100 ocean impact startups and drive significant investment into ocean impact ventures within the next five years.


